Tactical Training Classes
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Rifle And Tactical Gear Phase 1
Training Dates

September 14, 2018
October 19, 2018

This Class Will Cover:
(Max Class Size 6)
How to wear tactical gear.
Reloading Drills Shooter.
Movement and Shooting Drills.
Standing, kneeing and prone drills.
Required Equipment:
   300 rounds:
    Semi-Automatic Rifle.
    Three Magazines Minimum, Max 8
     Ear and Eye Protection.
     Magazine Carrier or plate carrier with plates
(if you have it).
 You can bring slings, knee and elbow pads if you have them, plus snacks and dress to train.
Training Class 4 Hours 

Rifle And Tactical Gear Phase 2
Training Dates

September 14, 2018
October 19, 2018

This Class Will Cover:
(Max Class Size 6)
How to wear tactical gear.
Reloading drills team.
Intermediate movement and shooting drills (team drills).
Standing, kneeing and prone drills (team drills).
Banana peel breaking contact drill with 180 arc of shooting as a team.

Mandatory Requirement Phase 1
training must be completed. 
Required Equipment:
400 rounds.
Semi-Automatic Rifle.
Four Magazines minimum, max 8
Ear and Eye Protection.
Magazine Carrier 
3 magazine pistol or speed loaders.   
Bring a pistol for transition work from rifle to pistol plus 200 rounds
Or plate carrier with plates
(If you have it).
You must bring slings, knee and elbow pads if you have them,
plus snacks and dress to train.
Training Class 5 Hours 
Rifle And Tactical Gear Phase 3
Training Dates

Setember 15, 2018
October 20, 2018

This Class Will Cover:
(Max Class Size 6) 
Advanced scenario battle drills.
You will learn buddy team movement drills and quick reaction team drills. Phase 1 and phase 2 training is merged together in phase 3 to create battle scenarios where the students must use their rifle and pistol skills to fix the situation.  
Mandatory Requirement Phase 2 training must be completed. 
Required Equipment:
500 rounds rifle ammo.  
Semi-Automatic Rifle.
Pistol with a good holster.      
8 Magazines rifle.
Ear and Eye Protection.
Magazine Carrier or plate carrier (required
300 rounds pistol ammo).
3 magazine pistol or speed loaders.  
You must bring slings single point or two point. You can bring knee and elbow pads if you have them, plus snacks and dress to train.
Training Class 6 hours

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